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iphone mockup of blackstars web project, mockup d'un iphone représentant le projet blackstars

" My thoughts are stars i can't fathom in constellations. "

Blackstars is my first web project that I've made in my DUT MMI. It's a mobile first web project. The aim of the website was to choose a film replica. Then, I created a website around this replica and this film. I wrote all the articles on my own respecting the writing rules of web editorial. Eventually, I only used html, css and a bit of javascript for this project. I had to create a graphic chart and a communication document around this project. Thanks to it, I was able to understand the constraints and the difficulties of the realization of a website by overcoming them.

color harmony of clishare's project; harmonie colorée du projet clishare

HEXA #1f57d6
RGB R : 31
V : 87
B : 214

HEXA #badbff
RGB R : 186
V : 219
B : 255

HEXA #fbd2e7
RGB R : 251
V : 210
B : 231

HEXA #000000
RGB R : 0
V : 0
B : 0

first picture of blackstars mobile website, première image du site mobile blackstars second picture of blackstars mobile website, deuxième image du site mobile blackstars third picture of blackstars mobile website, troisème image du site mobile blackstars fourth picture of blackstars mobile website, quatrième image du site mobile blackstars
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